วันเสาร์ที่ 2 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2560

Can an Owner Builder Really Save Money Building Their Own Home?

YES, that is the resounding answer, YES, YES, YES. Owner Builders can and do save money on building their own home. How? Well really it is quite simple. Be committed, be organised, communicate well and do you homework, both figuratively and literally. Lets take a look how. Be organised, set up a system before you start to record everything you do, establish a wish list and a to do list. Look for pre established systems that can help you. Is there a construction diary that suits your needs, does your advisor, mentor or an associate have access to pro forma such as reports, registers, schedules and forms that would be appropriate for you to use during your project? They are around, you just have to look for them.

Once you have them, learn how to use them, practise and ask questions, look for owner builder forums to share your experiences with other like minded owner builders. Most of all, be committed to using the tools you have found and really manage your project. Allocate the time you need to run the project thoroughly, decide how much time you can devote each day, each week and each month, remember two important things about time management on a building project, you really will get back ten fold what you put into it and the time needed will vary considerably dependent on the stage of the construction you are in at any specific point ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง กรุงเทพ in time.

Communicate with your trades and suppliers, if there is a delay that will affect their downstream activities, let them know as soon as you can so they can reorganise and reschedule, this simple action may save you weeks of construction time. Now, education, most important, look for appropriate courses, take out books from the library, read appropriate magazine articles, browse the web, join online communities and forums, search youtube, they are all great ways to increase your knowledge and skills.

So, just how much will you save? Potentially, you can save thousands of dollars by eliminating the builders or general contractors margin by taking on the administrative functions they would normally carry out on your behalf. Additionally, there is money to be saved by sourcing your own suppliers and building products in some areas, saving the builders mark up or margin. So really 20 to 30 percent is not out of the question, and actually quite commonplace in a well run owner builder project. Lets assume the build cost is $300,000.00, then you could save between $60,000 and $90,000.

That is a lot of your hard earned cash. Now look long term, if you borrow significantly less on your mortgage, then that 60 to 90 becomes 400 to 500 thousand dollars over the course of the loan (depending on interest rates etc). So get out there and get amongst it, if you follow the rules, seek the right advice, your dream home can be yours for much less than you think.

