วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Investing in Real Estate Concern: What If the House Doesn't Sell?

Once you've reached a certain milestone in the process of investing in real estate, you'll find you've leveled up to a whole new tier of worries. You've got your financing. Your bid was successful, and you got the house. You've hired a contractor. Renovations and repairs are complete. Now you have an incredible home to present. What a great feeling of accomplishment and pride. There is excitement when you think of the potential profits now within reach. But there is also this nagging doubt, one thought that you can't shake, "What if the house doesn't sell?"

Even as you followed the process to a tee, doing everything correctly in purchasing a home to flip, this is a real concern. All of the focus and drive you applied to getting a house ready for sale now needs to be used in the marketing phase. All the work has come down to the house launch. The main goal is to get as many people as possible to view the house, love the house, and want to buy the house. Do this, and your investment will pay off.

The first step is to pick a day for your launch. The seven days prior are all about marketing. Here are some steps you need to incorporate into your ramp-up of the house launch.

List the Home

Advertise the house on the MLS, list on Craig's List, and make a Facebook page for the event.

Produce Your Flyers

There are two types you may want to design:

1. A fact sheet to give out to the potential buyers who will be coming to the house launch. Include room measurements, amenities, recent renovations, any homeowner association information and of course all ขายอาคารพาณิชย์ of your contact information.

2. A great way to get people through the door is to offer them something in the form of a raffle. The variety of gift cards that are available now gives you so many to pick from: spas, home improvement, grocery store, etc. Also if you are offering a home package if a bid is made before a pre-determined deadline you will want to include information about that package.

Get the flyers out to the local real estate offices. Be sure to have plenty to hand out at the open house also.

Line Up Your Signs

You'll need open house signs with time information, directional signs to point buyers toward the house from all reasonable routes, and realtor signs. Be sure the realtor you have chosen to represent the house tells all people who call inquiring about the house before the launch that the house is ready but cannot be shown until the launch date.

Sign-Up Sheets

You will need one for the raffle. Also have a guest book people can sign. Ask for their name, address, phone number, and email.

Raffle Tickets

Be sure there is room for people to include name, phone number and/or email address.

Food and Beverages

Remember plates, utensils, cups, napkins.

That nagging question of "what if it doesn't sell" will fade away as you see the interest in the house launch growing. From the launch you will get exposure and build a buyers list. Your confidence as a real estate investor will get stronger with each deal you do, and every buyer you add to your list.

The best and most rewarding part of your investing in real estate will result in someone finding their dream home at the launch you have so carefully prepared.

