วันอังคารที่ 14 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Introduction to Advanced Meter Infrastructure

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) presents itself as an alternative metering methodology. The original intent behind the methodology was to enable Automated Meter Reading (AMR). As a result both these terms have become common within the industry, a point which leads to much confusion.

Historically speaking AMR is the predecessor of AMI. In other words the methodology and technologies used in AMI were born out of the methodology and technologies of AMR. For purposes of our discussion we will therefore focus on AMI. However, one needs to have some insight into both methodologies in order to have a complete picture of AMI. The basis for both methodologies is founded in the principle that using specialized devices and communications methods it is possible to collect data from metering equipment without having to physically read or interact with the metering device.

Generally speaking, AMR refers to the ability to collect data from electricity, gas and/or water meters remotely and automatically via several different communications networks, including RF wireless, power line carrier, telephone, and other ways. The term AMI extends our understanding of AMR to refer to a system that is capable of collecting detailed energy usage data more frequently. It also implies that there is a bi-directional communication channel between the meter management system and the devices. Having a bidirectional communication channel the AMI methodology immediately opens the scope of capabilities since it allows data to be received and transmitted between the metering equipment and the meter management system.

In addition to the networked nature of AMI technology there is another key difference when compared to STS technology. Where communication within the STS methodology is based on Tokens that are entered into a metering device, communication within the AMI methodology is performed in-band to a communication link. The implication of this is that there is no need to enter tokens to AMI metering devices. Instead, information such as how much power you have purchased is automatically communicated to the meter using the in-band communications system.

Another fundamental difference between STS and AMI is that STS is only intended as a method for prepayment. คอนโด STS cannot be used to manage post-paid billing. This is very important and you should read this paragraph again, as the implications on sectional title metering can be far reaching once this seemingly small difference is understood. AMI, with roots in AMR, was originally designed to automate the meter reading process and supply this information to a local authority so that they may present a bill to their customer. It was not designed to manage prepayment billing, it was simply designed to collect data and present it for billing.

For this reason most AMI meters do not have any prepayment features. This is the exact opposite to STS which was designed and still functions ONLY as prepayment system. The logic of prepayment therefore in AMI must be handled in software at the meter management system.

The meter management and vending service offered supports both STS and AMI compatible metering systems. As a result they can offer customers a choice of STS and AMI technologies. As previously mentioned and emphasized, for customers using AMI systems can offer both prepaid and post-paid billing options.

While AMI presents many benefits over STS it is not without drawbacks. The main drawback of AMI is that it cannot be deployed as readily as STS. The reason for this is that a communications network must be established before data can be collected from meters to one or more devices known as Data Collectors.

Then, assuming that the communications network is in place and meters can talk to their Data Collectors, the Data Collector must be able to communicate with the meter management system where decision making can be performed. This is not difficult to achieve, the contrary is quite true. However this does increase the cost of deployment for AMI. It also increases the operational cost as data needs to be communicated to and from the data collection devices and the meter management system. All this communication means is: that there is an operational expense for data costs.

