Whenever you look at a property that you may be interested in, you should make a list of things that you should be checking when you go through the place. These are key things that you don't want to have go wrong or break in some way when you move in and have additional charges. The more careful you are, and the more that you go over, the happier you will be if you see that everything is fine. You should be content with your property and not have to pay for something additional that shouldn't have gone wrong.
1 - Insulation . You should make sure that the house is well insulated, or you'll be paying up the roof when it comes to the colder months and you are trying to heat your property. It's not worth sitting in the cold, and it's not worth paying that much of a heating bill.
2 - Tile and grouts . Check bathrooms and kitchens specifically to see if the tiles on the floor are coming loose, chipping, or breaking in any way. You don't want to have to make over a room that you weren't expecting to when you move in, so just keep an eye out for anything wrong.
3 - Storage . Is this place going to be big enough to fit all of your stuff in? You don't want to move in and realize that you don't have enough place for half of your clothes and have to build additional space on the fly. If you realize that you have to put more storage in than note that down, but you don't want to be unprepared. Take a tape measure and measure things such as closets and kitchen spaces, and make sure that everything can fit what you own.
4 - Electricity . Make sure that there is an ample amount of lighting in every room. You don't want to live in a dark place, and should prepare incase you need to put in additional lighting. Also keep an eye out for electrical outlets and see if there are going to be enough for all of your electronic needs.
5 - Water Damage . Check in the basement for damages, and see if any paint is peeling and any mold is visible. If so, this is a good sign of water damage. This can be incredibly expensive to fix, and it's not always easy finding the problem. It's best to stay clear of these kinds of problems unless you are dead set on the property.
6 - Windows . Open and close all the windows. Make sure that when the window is shut, there is no draft coming in. This could cause additional problems in the winter when you are trying to heat your house. Also make sure that they are big enough for your liking. You also don't want to have super tiny windows all over your house.
7 - The roof . This is probably one of the biggest problems I can remember growing up. My family moved around a bit, and we always inspected everything in the house..except the roof. We always ended up having leaks of some kind and needing to replace it asap. Check the roof and see how stirdy it is, will you need to get new shingles soon, and how long ago was it last re-done? บ้านมือสอง กรุงเทพ
8 - Outside . Check any decks, sheds, garages, and anything else around the property and make sure that everything is in tip top shape. Check for structural integrity, and that nothing is sagging and that the foundations are secure.
Just remember to inspect, inspect, inspect. Go over every little detail and ask lots of questions when you need to. You don't want to encounter any hidden damages, so do yourself a favour and find out anything that might be wrong now so it won't be a problem for you in the future.