When I first mentioned to my wife my theory about flipping houses online using only my laptop and cell phone, we were surfing the internet while parked at a truck stop in South Florida. She was a bit skeptical at first to say the least. It definitely took some convincing on my part, and, in convincing her it would work, I began to convince myself. The first and most obvious question I had to answer was of course, how? So I began by defining the steps I would need to take. Then I began addressing the chance that I could in fact carry out each step, successfully. An exhaustive search of the internet produced a very limited results for information of, or by, anyone already actually flipping houses online, so it appeared I was on my own. Everything would have to come from scratch, no outside help. Now that being determined, I began to wonder, could this really be done?
It is a very new and unusual concept, to flip a house using only a laptop and cell phone. To carry out this feat I would have to be able to find a spec house online, have the spec house inspected, research the local real estate market, buy the spec house, insure, secure, monitor and control access to the spec house, shop for and buy key home improvements that included installation, then keep up the spec house while it was on the market, all online from my remote location. Finally I would have to flip the spec house, again in absentee! A daunting task to say the least, once more I asked myself, could it really be done?
Determined to pursue I began to address each issue, one at a time. Much to my astonishment I began to find out that each step in the process was in fact possible to carry out online. You can find thousands of houses for sale online at websites like Zillow.com and Realtor.com. Virtually every house for sale in the U.S.A. is listed somewhere online along with all its contact information. Websites like Trulia.com provide real estate market statistics for every city and town in America. Home inspectors and security providers like ทาวน์โฮมมือสอง กรุงเทพ ADT.com are many and readily available online, as well as insurance agencies like Progressive.com and real estate agencies like Re-max.com. Finally, websites selling home improvements like Lowes.com and HomeDepot.com offer everything from heating and cooling systems to kitchen and bath remodeling. Even lawns and flowers can be installed at your property with just the push of a button and a few phone calls. The more I searched for answers online, the more I began to realize, it can be done! Using today's technology I can flip houses online using only a laptop, cell phone and the internet. The next question is, where to begin? The answer, step one of a seven step process I developed to do just that.