Are you mad at your lender? Are the rates not what you expected? Are you simply not getting along with your loan officer? Then transfer your loan to another lender. It's easy to do but you have to take a few steps.
First, you don't need to have a valid reason for cancelling your loan. You can cancel the loan for no other reason than you just had a bad day. You can make an official cancellation request or you can simply ignore the lender when the lender attempts to contact you and document your loan. But if you've provided documentation to your current lender and don't want to duplicate the entire loan package with a new lender.
You can make a formal request for a loan cancellation by sending an email to your loan officer. You can also request that your loan file be transferred to another lender. The lender will then cancel your loan application with them and send you a notice in the mail that they did so. But there are some things the lender may not transfer.
Any documentation produced or otherwise internally generated by the lender will not be transferred. If the lender ordered a report or ordered and received title insurance, that information was generated by the lender and typically won't leave the lenders' office. Did you pay for an appraisal? Then you'll get your copy. You'll notice the appraisal will have the old lender's name on it. You'll need to have the appraisal "re-typed" with the new lenders' name. Your new lender will help you with this.
All copies of your tax returns, paycheck stubs and anything else you provided can be transferred to your new lender either with a complete copy ทาวน์เฮ้าส์มือสอง ราคาถูก or a digital copy of your application.
Transferring a loan application is not an uncommon practice and should be a smooth process. By following the advice here, you'll be sure your loan transfer will be a painless one.