วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Home Buying Negotiations - The Psychology of Placing a Counter Offer

When you are buying or selling a home, the listing price of the home will be agonized from its beginning to the end. If you are the one selling the home, you can create a counter offer after a buyer submits their offer to purchase the house. A typical offer states that the seller is in agreement to the terms of the buyer.

It usually constitutes things such as the total consideration for buying the home which is usually a higher price, increasing the earnest deposit amount, refusals to pay for some fees or reports, changing the possession or closing date of the house, excluding personal property from the contract as well as altering the contingency time frames.

It is not only the seller that can do this to the buyer. A buyer can also be able to counter the counter offer from the seller making it a counter-counter. The number of counter offers that are allowed to be submitted back and forth between the buyer and the seller have no limit.

What may cause a counter offer to be rejected? Well, a seller is not required to respond to a counter offer. This does not in any way imply that the brokers might have failed to get commission in the event that the seller chooses not to respond to a full price and terms of the offer. It is more คอนโด likely that the brokers will still need to be paid. That therefore means that lack of response from the seller does not alleviate their responsibility to the broker. Some of the most common ways that an offer can be rejected include:

When there is an indication at the bottom of the purchase contract indicating that the offer has been rejected. As a seller, you can also write "rejected" on the face of the purchase contract together with the initial and date. When there is an expiry date specified for the offer in the event that the seller fails to respond.

There are situations where you can also place multiple counter offers. In this case, you may counter more than one offer whereby every offer is different. Under such circumstances, if one of the buyers in your list accepts the counter, you are not obligated to comply with the buyer's acceptance.

What would lead to acceptance of a counter offer? In the event that the offer is issued by the seller, if you are the buyer you can simply accept it and then deliver it back to whoever is supposed to receive it. This has to be done in the right time for there are expirations just like it is for the purchase offers. This implies that the seller can still accept a different offer when the buyer is still in the process of making the decision whether to sign the offer or not.

