วันศุกร์ที่ 12 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2561

Log Cabin Articles

I'm an owner of land in the mountains of north Georgia. As a result, I've done a lot of research on various topics related to log cabins.

Basements - If your property is on a mountain ridge like mine, you'll definitely need a basement. I plan to use mine for the grandchildren's bedrooms, playroom and utilities. Basements provide a relatively cheap expansion of your livable space.

Radial heat - Needing a cement basement floor, I will definitely be incorporating radial heat. Radial heat is different from traditional heat sources. Check out why this is a smart decision.

Lighting - The interior walls and ceilings of cabins which are usually wood based, need special light planning. Wood tends to absorb light rather than reflect it. There are a number of ways to address this lighting shortfall.

Roofing - Consider the option of a metal roof. It has a very long life and I find them to be an attractive addition to a log cabin. It's worth your research.

Purchasing Land - Read about two important aspects of your land acquisition. One article addresses the special characteristics of land that affects bank loan financing. Another article explains how you can finance your purchase (including house) through an IRA.

Hot Tubs - I don't know about you, but I owned and love a hot tub. Find out how to incorporate a tub in your construction plans. I will definitely be including one in mine.

คอนโดมือสอง กรุงเทพ Siding - You have an alternative to full log construction and still create that log cabin look. In fact, even if you plan on building a full log cabin, there are applications of log siding. There's even artificial siding with a wood veneer.

Logs - There are lots of different wood types, drying methodology and log trimming. It will be worth your while to consider your options.

Design - Every cabin manufacturer has numerous plans for you to review. I've found that the more plans I see, the closer I get to my final plan. I also recommend getting out and visiting models. A picture may be worth a thousand words but seeing a log cabin in person is still a lot better than a picture.

Maintenance. Wood homes require proper maintenance. It's worth it.

Check out my blog http://www.logcabinprimer.blogspot.com for more details on these log cabin topics.

